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HER-STORY..well because that was the heading :)

Actually, HISTORY was the heading, but I wanted the title to be relative to who I am...a female telling a story, particularly her story. I am 24 years of age and have a host of siblings ranging from 3 years - 24 years of age. At the age of 8, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I thought that it was a trick question when my mother said to me, "The pastor is going to ask you, 'Who does more for you? Your mom or God?'." Of course, at that age I just stood there wondering would the wrong answer get me into trouble so I answered with great uncertainty, "You". In route to church to get baptized, I recall asking myself the same question that my mom had asked. I'm glad to say that through life's experiences I have learned the truth on my own and I know that I know that I know that God has done, does, and will always do more for me. Not only will He do more for me than my mom, but He will do more than anyone or anything in this world can do. Praise break! I just thought about what He did many many years ago. He sent His only son Jesus Christ to die for unworthy ol' me. For a quick version of my testimony, I'll just say that although I've labeled myself as unworthy many times, my God tells me that I'm worthy and I walk in that truth, in that knowledge now. He said that I was worth Him sending His son to take my place. God has extended His hands to me and when I tell you guys that I'm holding onto His hands, I AM HOLDING ON! This journey that I have embarked on with Him has me  "coo coo for cocoa puffs". That's my way of describing how excited I am to be in His hands walking with and in His purpose and love. 

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